Southern Cross Martial Arts is more a martial arts school and can offer a variety of other services to our community. Our Chief Instructor has extensive experience in delivering training in a variety of contexts including schools, the commercial sector and government.

Our training offerings are evidence based and customised and contextualised to the client as much as possible – in the past we have developed courses ranging from a few hours to a year in duration.


We can provide both one off and ongoing incursions for students and can deliver age-appropriate content. Southern Cross Martial Arts can provide everything from the “Yes I can” talk to self-protection workshops and specific martial arts programs (i.e. a term of karate/kickboxing/muay Thai sessions for a PE class.

Conflict Management

This conflict management training from Southern Cross Martial Arts c provides techniques for individuals in an organisation to resolve workplace conflict and to build a common understanding and framework for working through challenging situations.

The primary focus is on prevention and programs can be customised to the policies and procedures of the host organisation. The skills covered include recognising the causes of conflict and developing conflict resolution strategies for quickly and effectively recognising, resolving and preventing conflicts with others.  Participants will learn key skills like how to compromise and negotiate, finding the root cause of the issue, the importance of forgiveness, anger management strategies and de-escalating challenging situations.

Personal Safety

Personal safety training focusses on providing participants with common sense approaches, advice and techniques for avoiding or managing incidents in any environment. These programs can be customised in duration and content and can include proven physical skills (not martial arts), as well as working on situational awareness, conflict avoidance, threat recognition cues, emotional and psychological safety, and the legal framework surrounding the use of physical skills for self-protection.


Our coaches have significant experience in working with neurodivergent people, are neurodivergent themselves and have extensive post-graduate qualifications in neurodivergence, especially focussed on autism. Training can be developed and delivered to individuals and organisations focussing on neurodiversity including:

  • What is neurodiversity
  • Coaching neurodivergent participants
  • Employing neurodivergent employees
  • Accommodations and adjustments for participants and employees
  • Strategies for becoming neuro affirming